Extended support

- we'll give you a flying start

With our extended support we will handle all tasks regarding setup and installation of plugins on your website or webshop.

support plugins

We offer help for installing and setting up any of our plugins – this we have named “Extended support” .
With our extended support we will handle all tasks regarding setup and installation of plugins on your website or webshop.

If you chose our extended support agreement we will take care of every step in the installation and setup of your plugin on your website or webshop. If one of our plugins conflicts with another component on your site, we will investigate and solve the conflict, ensuring the plugin is running smoothly on your website.

Requests for color changes or a different design? We’ll make sure the frontend of the plugin is presented in line with your websites design and overall feel.

Buy Extended Support here

  • Plugin installation
  • Plugin activation
  • Plugin setup
  • Design adjustments
  • Analysis and solution of conflicts with other plugins or themes

Two hours of assistance is included in the support agreement

How it works

Buy the Extended Support agreement along with your plugin – or afterwards.

After your purchase we will contact you regarding details on your website and to hear more about your wishes.

When we have all relevant informations, we will jump right to working on your website.

Two man-hours are included in our extended support agreement. Should we experience issues that can’t be solved within the included time, we offer additional hours at the price of 780 DKK ex. VAT per hour. We will of course let you know if your requirements are outside of the scope of the extended support agreement.

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